Here we are! Almost toward the end of January. Typically this is the time where gyms start to slow down a little because people begin to realize their resolutions aren’t realistic! 27-year-old Madelynn was all about waking up at 4 am to work out for 2 hours and head to work from the gym. 37-year-old Madelynn gets tired thinking about that! For years I made unrealistic resolutions only to find myself feeling unaccomplished and defeated come December! So this year, I went crazy and decided NO RESOLUTIONS! I refuse to let a resolution dictate my success and a whole year of my life.

Toward the end of 2018, I kept hearing the word nourish in my time with the Lord. I didn’t read it anywhere, I didn’t even necessarily hear someone say it. It just kept coming to me.  I knew the word nourish but I wanted to see what the definition was and this is what I read “Provide with food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.” (Google Dictionary) Isn’t that something? It’s exactly what I desire for myself. I mean who doesn’t want to be in good condition? So,  I decided instead of a resolution I was going to use the word nourish as “my word for 2019.” 

There’s one more word I chose for myself this year and that word is Love. Now I know that sounds cheesy and so generic but when God is pursuing your heart and life HE makes things very clear. For instance, I have a friend who in a time of worship and prayer, told me these words “STOP picking up that stick and beating yourself up. You are too hard on yourself. Your weight will come off through love. You have tried everything else. It’s time to love yourself.” CAN YOU IMAGINE? First off, this MAN read my mail. Yes, a man! He didn’t know anything about those deep places of my heart. He said a couple of other things that were so on point I knew it was from God. My husband was also blown away as he is the only man I really share my heart with. To hear those words I knew God was pursuing me and I can take a hint. Yes LORD! Love. It. IS!

Here we are in 2019 and those words have been a breath of fresh air to my heart and spirit. I have seen how those words play out differently in my everyday life. I pay attention to what I eat. I ask “is this meal going to nourish me?  How am I going to feel after this meal?” I am loving myself enough to pay attention to how my body feels after I eat. If I don’t feel good then I need to reconsider what I’m eating. I wouldn’t want to hurt people I love so why allow bad foods to hurt my body? I also am paying attention to when my body is hungry. For so long I would go hours without eating even if my stomach was growling. Like I wasn’t worth stopping my day to eat. If my stomach is growling its naturally telling me it’s time to eat. Before I would just go until 4:30 pm without eating and then eat everything in site! That only left me feeling physically ill and emotionally not in a good place. Another thing I’ve been doing is cooking a meal, even if it’s just for me. I’m home most days during lunch and I would look for ways to not to cook solely for myself. But just this week, I really wanted chicken for lunch (I’m listening to what I’m craving) but the thought of cooking for myself seemed odd. I had to ask myself why? If someone else were home I’d cook for them. I’m worth the time! So I made the best chicken thighs with homemade mango salsa and I plated it and enjoyed it! I felt satisfied and proud. I nourished my body and loved myself. 

(Not trying to boast but doesn’t this lunch look amazing?!) 

I have found many ways to love and nourish myself:

-I bought jeans… 3 pairs!!!! After years of not liking how they looked on me, I stopped the negative thinking and now I look fine in them!

-I love makeup…I just don’t wear it much because I don’t know how. So, I am working on my makeup skills because I want to choose when I want to glam myself up to feel prettier!

-I’m reading books and becoming a student on things that are important to me. Nourishing my spirit and mind. 

– I’m going on vacation and I just bought a bathing suit! Typically I would punish myself and not buy a new one until I lose 100 lbs. But girlfriend, if I can’t get this right now there’s no telling I will ever get it right. I can’t wait to get my swimsuit!

-For about 2 years I wasn’t wearing my engagement ring because I had to “lose weight” to get it on. Again, tired of being mean to myself, I went to Zales like a boss and got that ring refitted. I feel amazing!

In just the past month I have done more with those two words than I have done with years of resolutions. Resolutions made me focus on what I didn’t do. Choosing those words have made me mindful on what to do and how to do them well. Can I encourage you today? If you don’t have a word for this year would you prayerfully consider choosing one or maybe two? Focus on what you can add to your life and how God can bless you as you bless him. My words are words that Christ desires for me, acts HE provides me with and things I need help working on. Maybe my words need to be yours, please take them. Love and nourish yourself. You deserve it. Whatever your words are, be mindful and focus on how they will enrich your life. If you are reading this then take this as your pursuit from God. Be kind to yourself because HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH. Be gentle with his daughter. Love her. Nourish her. Because you, my sister, YOU ARE HIS FAVORITE! 


The Best is YET to come! 




…Then you will know the TRUTH and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32



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