I wish I could tell you my thought life has always been amazing. I wish I could tell you I had so much grace for myself, my heart couldn’t contain it all. I wish I could tell you I never experienced crying so hard I felt pressure in my chest because of the thoughts I allowed to set camp in my mind. I wish I could but I can’t. My brain became so calloused to my way of thinking, I wouldn’t even realize I was being negative. I thought those thoughts were” just me.”  

Dr. Caroline Leaf shared something in an interview with Pastor Steven Furtick that confirmed so much of what I have been learning “Think about what you’re thinking about.” Basically, pay attention to what your thinking!  It’s simple, it’s profound and yet to some of us, it’s foreign. 

Here are some questions for you:


What fills your mind?

What do you allow to camp in your mind? Is it good? It is toxic? 

I know I have spoken about mindsets as opposed to squat sets. I know I have spoken a lot about the power of words on this blog and not as much about recipes. I still stand behind this blog being one to share my weight loss journey. I just believe that THIS TIME the weight is being lost from the inside and is working its way out! My mind had to undergo change and lose the weight of negativity and of impoverished thinking. Every day I decide what I will accept and every day I have done this I’ve lost more emotional weight than ever. 

I want to challenge you this next week to “THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT.” Listen. Pay attention. If you recognize a lie you’ve believed for some time, ask the Lord to take it away and as it is removed from your heart ask that HE would replace it with something you desire. For instance, if I am feeling fearful I ask God to remove the fear and fill it with Faith and/or peace. This week I am asking you to Think. Remove. Replace. TRR.

Think about what you’re thinking about. 

Remove the Lie. 

Replace it with the truth. 

God has blessed my journey in such a beautiful way. I hadn’t seen it that way. I was always fixed on losing weight. I just wanted to lose weight and carry on. You know losing weight doesn’t make you wholistically healthy. In my case, I don’t know how much weight I would’ve had to lose to be happy, yet again, I don’t believe my mind would have ever convinced me to accept being content. Would I have ever been thin enough if I wasn’t happy enough? Now reverse that, I am happy, my mind is the healthiest its been…I look forward to losing weight, no longer to be thin but to be healthy because that would reflect what is happening on the inside. Something I would never have thought possible…. Until I started to think about what exactly I was thinking about! 

As always, if you have questions or comments please let me know. You don’t have to do this alone. I would love to serve you in any way I can. 

The Best is YET to come! 

Love you! 





…Then you will know the TRUTH and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32


6 thoughts on “Think. Remove. Replace.”

  1. I totally Agree with TRR.
    For me, when my emotions, thoughts, heart, and spirit are aligned with God’s word, and in the right place, the weight comes off easier; not necessarily “easily,” Because menopausal women have more challenges,😩 but definitely easier than when I want to do it all on my own. Thank you for reminding us to check our thoughts and remove those lies that try to sneak in! 💛

  2. Madelynn

    Thank you SO much for sharing Olga!!!!! I appreciate it. Emotional eating is soooooo real! I am learning to pay attention to my thinking and listening to my body. God created our bodies in a beautiful way, I am learning to honor what my body needs…but a lot of that starts in my mind.

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