Two months ago I received a text from my dear friend Delia asking how I was doing.  Delia is the kind of friend that you can’t help but share your heart with. She caught me at a vulnerable moment and I told her I was tired and needed prayer; I wanted to be healthy but I felt stuck and unmotivated.  After losing 45 lbs. about 3 years ago with Delia and a group of friends, I knew what I was missing!  A few minutes later I received a longer text from Del (who is a UIC graduate in Kinesiology and a personal trainer) that said “Friend, I think you need to start an inspirational blog of your journey. You can serve as an inspiration to so many women.” After receiving that text I called her and this is a paraphrase of what she said “I think you need to be public about your weight loss so that you can feel the high level of accountability which will motivate you and in turn inspire others.  You can do it.”  As CRAZY as that sounded to me…every bit of it was true. Delia knew me.  She knew my heart.  She knew what I was capable of.  She saw me at my high point and has walked with me in this slump.  She was always encouraging, concerned and loving but never too pushy. It was after our conversation, a phone call with my husband and a few close friends I knew that it was confirmed….I was going to start a blog and share with the world (or a couple hundred, ok, maybe a few of you) my journey to lose weight. Hence, the beginning of “What Size Was Eve.”

I want to answer the question I have been receiving since I started my Facebook page, “So what size was Eve?”  Well I am sure there are people who have spent their lifetime trying to figure out what size she really was and I am sure those are the same people who are looking for Noah’s ark and studying artifacts from King Tuts tomb.  In the words of my friend Sweet Mama Brown “Aint nobody got time fo that!” Therefore I am going to share the few reasons I chose this title. First, I noticed there are few times in the Bible that God mentions the beauty of a woman and when he does mention her beauty (i.e. Queen Vashti, Queen Esther), he doesn’t tell us what size they are.  Personally, I think we don’t know what size they were because we would get so wrapped up on the “Eve-kins Diet” or “South Beach Eve Diet” that we would focus on less important attributes. What we have read whether good or bad is these women have left their mark in history.  I may sound confused because I am saying God doesn’t mention their size, but yet this whole blog is about weight loss.  Well, actually, it’s not.  You see, I am a pretty confident person and I know God has a major calling on my life.  BUT there are season’s where my weight has become such a distraction that it’s easy to become self centered.  This is the where the problem lies. I KNOW God has called me to make a mark in history but sometimes I am so busy whining about my weight that I become side tracked.  I have to get over me so that HE can use me! I don’t know what size Eve was but I know God used her.  We can argue about how she jacked women up and how she ate the fruit and how she distracted Adam blah, blah, blah but we cannot deny this; God created Eve for a purpose and at the end of the day she is the FIRST woman in history AND she is also the first to become a wife and a mother.  God created the first two humans but he gave Eve the capacity to give birth/life.  Basically God used Eve to kick off the human race.  That’s a pretty serious calling if you ask me!

Another reason I chose this title is, in February of 2010 I was chatting with a few co-workers and we were imagining titles of books we would write and “What Size Was Eve” came to me as clear as day.  I remember saying it and everyone believing it was something I could do.  Ever since then I have secretly Googled the name to see if it had been used and it hadn’t!  So when the blog idea came I thought it would be a great time to use it.  Lastly, I chose this title because it is just so cool!  People are so intrigued by the title that I figured “It must be right!” 

I don’t know what brings you to this blog.  You may love me and want to support me so you think you should read it, you may have a friend who told you about WSWE and thought you should check it out or you, yourself may be at a point where you are tired of being distracted by your weight. You know God has a calling on your life but are too busy thinking about yourself that it’s hard to think about others (I know what that’s like).  Either way I hope and pray you are blessed.  I do not promise to be perfect but I promise to be real.  I won’t always want to eat right and work out but I will try my best to do so.   I know this is hard and part of me fears failing but I am confident this is something that God has put before me and am determined to do this!

Before I go, remember what I said about my friend Delia at the beginning of this journey… Well I leave you tonight, with that same encouragement:

God knows you.  HE knows your heart.  HE knows what you are capable of. HE saw you at your high point and has walked with you in your slump.  HE is always encouraging, concerned and loving but never too pushy. 

Be encouraged today…We can do this…The best is yet to come!


“Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

54 thoughts on “…And So We begin!”

  1. I am so proud of you, this is a new chapter and I am so excited to see what comes from it. I am blessed to be able to do life with you, now others get to enjoy you as well. I am your number one cheerleader, I love you so much! Your hubby, Donny


    You inspire me. You deserve more than a good wife you deserve THE BEST WIFE… tonight I am one step closer. I love you!

  3. Hi Madelynn… I am so excited for you and your new journey… I know this is going to be such a wonderful tool to reach to all those women who will love to start a journey like this one… God will open the doors to reach those women! May God bless you! I will be checking out your blog…
    It’s funny… As I am writing this, I look back and think about our early runs that we used to have… they were awesome! Keep up the good work my friend… blessings!


    Thank you Yari! I remember the early morning runs! I used to love them….I loved spending that time with you. I talked a lot (until we started running fast) and you listened. Thank you for that. I appreciated your support then and now. Thank you!

  5. Mad! I remember countless car rides of you telling me about this book you wanted to write and constantly listening to you bounce ideas of book covers. I am happy that you have put your plan in action, and I fully support you in your efforts. I will be following your journey as I begin my own, and I look forward to your constant updates. Thank you for always being the best rock, role model, and second mother any young lady could wish for. I am so proud of you and honored that you invested so much time and effort in my life. I LOVE YOU.



    You are so right! I cant believe you remember the crazy “Dream” Sessions I would have in the car with you. I am proud of you and thank you for your kind words. I LOVE YOU!!!!!

  7. I’m struggling with weight so I decided to join you ..lets do this!


    Yanira! We can do this. I will be updating Facebook frequently and have a few ideas on how others can join. Be on the look out!

  9. I appreciate your transparency, and will encourage you as best I can through your walk. Will pray for your progress and success. God overwhelm you with strength 😉

  10. Madelynn,

    This is awesome! I’m so excite about your journey! Your courage to step out and confess all of this is a HUGE inspiration to me already! I can’t wait to see what God does through this!!!!

    Cindy <3


    Thank you Cindy!!!! I am so excited and nervous but I know God will help me and bless this journey. Praying for you!

  12. Way to go, sister-girl!

    Excited to see where God takes you on this journey. I am here with you, zanmi mwen! Bonye beni ou!!!


  13. Mad- I am so excited to go through this journey with you!! God is working out His plan in your life already, this is just making it even greater!

  14. Maddie I’ll be rooting for you every step of the way…you were in inspiration in high school and years later still are 😉 love you!


    Thank you Rosi! Doesn’t matter how old we get I will always love you! Thank you for your encouragment!

  16. Seestel… I wholeheartedly 100000% support your journey and will join you, even though I might cheat here and there, CHOCOLATE will be the death of me….lol
    I know your words, be it spoken or written, are full of light and wisdom… Thank you for allowing yourself to be lead by the Spirit in order to lead women down the path of righteousness!

    #MyGuardianAngel #Seestel
    #LoveYou #WSWE


    You are silly! Thanks for your encouragement….You give me too much credit! You are wonderful and God has set you apart! Lets do this together! Love you!!!!!

  18. I’m so excited about this! I have also struggled with my weight. I’m proud to say I am ready and willing to go on this journey with you. I have health issues and on meds. I hate being on meds. It all has to do with my weight. I am at my highest as well 230lbs. something am not proud of. I would never tell my weight to nobody especially on a Blog. However, I truly feel that this is going to be my biggest support group I have ever had. And with God on my side I truly feel it. Will there be disappoints in weight lose am sure. But knowing that I can rely on people that are were am at and is serious as I am about this, I can and will prevail!We all can! I’m so grateful that God has put this in your Heart to start and encourage others. I believe that this is going to be BIG! GOD IS GOOD!

  19. congratulations on launching your blog!!! I’m so happy and excited for you look forward to reading much more:)


    Thank you Bonnie! I am excited too! Miss you and look forward to sharing more with you!

  21. I’m so excited for you Madelyn! I’ve also started my journey in losing weight and beign healthy. But I’ve come upon a stumbling block in my journey. I’ve been asking God for help through this rut that I’m in, because I knew that this was more mental then physical. Your blog is God send! I’m happy to be able to share this with and join you in this journey.

    Wishing you the very best!


    Praise the Lord! This is very humbling to hear! Please let me know if I can pray for you in any way. There are some things I am thinking about and will be posting on FB. I will let you know!

  23. I am greatly looking forward to reading about your journey. I will be going though my own private journey now that I had a baby, and I have weight to loose. This blog really encourages me, and please know I will keep you in prayer. You are made for Great, and amazing things. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  24. Hello, Madelynn! You have zero clue who I am, but I am very excited that I happened to come across your blog! It amazes me how God works! One of my friends “liked” it on Facebook, otherwise I would not have known. I, too, am just beginning my journey. I am a young mama of three who has packed on the pounds over the years. I just had heart surgery in April and am now good to go. I look forward to reading about your journey and finding encouragement for my own. May God bless you in this!


    Paige! Thank you for sending your comment. I am so humbled that God would allow total strangers to unite in hopes of finding freedom. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I look forward to hearing about yours. God bless you!

  26. I’m so glad you have such a great like Delia in your corner! 😉 And…I am ALL about the real…too many times saints wanna play it off like we got it all together and all we really are is just perfectly forgiven. I love how you ended tonight…I don’t really consider myself to be struggling with my weight…but…what you are saying can apply to so many other areas of life. God definitely knows what I am capable of…sigh…just a few days ago…just like you I finally decided to push and get on out there after my dream! Hold on girly…it’s gonna be one heck of a ride for us! Oh…and another thing…when that enemy…the liar comes around trying to trick you because that’s all he is trying to do….trick your mind…remember he has already been defeated! So, just like the song…we lose our way…we get back up again 😉


    Amen and Amen. This really blessed me. I have heard from severeal people this is beyond weighloss, thanks for the affirmation and reminder about the lies…I WILL succee in Jesus Name! Thank you!!!!!!!!

  28. Mad, Mad!! So proud of you!! I can’t wait to see this all unfold before our eyes!! Excited to read your stories and laugh and cry at your moments!! We are all in this together and you are in my prayers! Love you!! Pas Distris!! LOL


    Pas Distris!!!! I laughed so hard reading that. Thank you for your prayers…I appreciate it!

  30. Wow I needed to hear this!!! It’s so true I know I do let my weight get in the way of what God wants me to do for him I’m self focus on my weight it consumes my thoughts and in prayer and instead of praying for others I end up focusing on my weight and why can I look like my friend who’s smaller! Ahh!!!!!! I’m so thankful for your blog I want to join you on this journey and I’m praying that God may use you to inspire other BBW! Because you have inspired me!!;) God bless you!;);)


    AWWW…Be encouraged. There is more to life than us and when we surrender, God is going to make it happen…Im excited for you! PLease keep me posted. Thank you!!!

  32. I’m very proud of you Sis and I know that God is going to use you to reach a lot of His daughters for His Glory… Let’s get this Journey Started!!! 🙂


    Thank you! So glad you were able to check out the blog. Hope you like it! I am excited to work on this….its going to be a lot of work but I KNOW we can do this! Love you sister wister!

  34. This is awesome! Be encouraged and know that God is already using you in a mighty way. Can’t wait to read more!


    Thank you so much! I look forward to all that is to come. We will have lots to celebrate!

  36. How exciting to see this blog and all the possibilities that can come with it. I pray that God continue to give you the courage and strength to take this journey. I look forward to the testimonies that will come through this “ministry.” Be blessed my sista!

  37. Hello lady: I’m so happy for you and want you to know that I’ll be supporting you all the way and will be here at the finish line rooting for you . 🙂 You are awesome.


    Thank you! I appreciate it. All the support is what is helping me forward. I am a very blessed woman! THANK YOU!!!!!!

  39. What a wonderful Blog! Your writing is sweet, simple, inspirational and captivating! Taking the first step is always hard, even harder when the world is watching you. God is honored by your courage and He will continue to give you the words/tools that will not only mold you into the beautiful women He created within you, but He will do it using your unmeasured beauty to leave your mark in history! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. God Bless, Leslie 😉


    I apologize for not having responded sooner. Thank you Leslie!!! I really appreciate it. God is so good and meets us personally, not sure where this is journey where go but I am excited for the ride. Thank you for reading and for leaving a comment! God bless you!!!!

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