Why is it easier to talk about losing weight than it is actually doing it?  It’s as if my brain knew what I wanted and my heart really wanted what my brain envisioned but my body wouldn’t budge. Whenever I wanted to work out I was just too tired.  My problem was I knew I was tired because I wasn’t working out and eating right and because I wasn’t working out or eating right I was tired.  There was a simple enough solution and laziness prevented me from moving.  There are no other excuses.  I was and am overcoming laziness; that my friend, is a hard pill to swallow. My weight loss is more than a physical issue; it’s a heart and spiritual issue.  Spiritually it has stopped me from becoming who God has called me to become and in my heart of hearts I KNOW that the only thing stopping me is…ME.  

After forgiving myself and not allowing my thoughts to wander in to “What If Land” I have decided to dust myself off and try this again.  I know I have a long way to go but you have to start somewhere.  I am done with being lazy and I know I have to move and change something. To start this journey I have set some goals which will allow me to gauge my weight loss. I am sure I will add goals as I go along but I thought I would share the ones that stick out to me most. Before anything, I would like to let you know I am being VERY realistic with these goals.  I know we can be our own worst critic so I am mentally prepared to extend grace to myself, however I refuse to allow excuses and laziness to stand in the way of a healthy life! 


  • Read my word in the mornings and journal
  • Have 3 meals a day (I tend to skip breakfast and  eat whatever is edible around lunchtime)
  • Have 2-3 snacks a day in between meals (snacks as in a banana or carrots, nothing big)
  • Prepare meals for the next work day (for both my husband and myself)
  • I want to drink at least 80 oz. of water a day, especially because I will be working out


  • Work out at least 4 times a week
  • I do not want to gain weight; I will be ok with losing and even maintaining but gaining is not an option
  • I will weigh in every Friday and share my weight loss on the WSWE Facebook page.
  • Minimize eating out
  • Cut back on sweets
  • Read a couple chapters of a book I choose to focus on regarding spiritual/physical health


  • I want to walk at a pace that won’t require using my inhaler.
  • I would like  to go to a store and buy clothing that does not begin with an X (or in some cases 2)
  • I want to tie my shoes without suffocating. When you’re overweight your feet are a long way down.  IT’S TIRING! (You know what I’m talking about)
  • I look forward to ending the “Just Because” sweating; it’s like sweat attacks my face because it misses me
  • Take a picture that does not require 4 attempts and an angle that only a squirrel in a tree can accomplish successfully
  • I want to get off of a sofa without rolling over and using the nearest knee to help me up

I know the long-term goals sound crazy but they are real!  One immediate goal I look forward to is wearing my wedding band AND wedding ring together.  I haven’t worn them together because they don’t fit, I have gained weight even on my fingers, it’s pretty bad but I look forward to celebrating!

Writing my goals down isn’t something to show the world what I am doing; its showing myself and sharing with you what I’m not doing…being lazy!  The word lazy is hard to hear and MUCH harder to confess but if you are struggling with moving forward and controlling your health then join me.  Write a few simple goals down, if it’s too hard then write one goal for this week and add another next week.  I have made healthier choices and in one week I feel the difference; I feel better. 

One more thing, a couple people have shared about their intrigue with this blog despite not struggling with weight.  If that is you, then my challenge to you is to write goals down that will free you from what is so easily entangling you.  If you have trouble trusting people, then share your story with one person.  If you are selfish, serve someone else.  If you are resentful, forgive.  We ALL have our own journeys, mine just happens to be my weight and I know God will see me through.  Your journey may be spelled differently but know that GOD is powerful and HE will also see you through!

Be encouraged today…We can do this…The best is yet to come!


“Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

28 thoughts on “Overcoming”

  1. This is amazing prima!! You truly are inspiring!! You have become a huge support for myself! We can do it!!

  2. I adore you Maddy! I admire and respect your transparency <3 Go get em, Girl!

  3. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    Thank you!!!!! It needs to be said….so many of us think it but wont dare confess it. The truth shall set you free!!! Love you!

  4. Only you can crack me up and inspire me all the same time! I’m loving this blog already! I’m totally going to start journaling more of my journey now thanks to you! ! Love you

  5. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    Yay! Please feel free to share as much as you would like 🙂 I am looking forward to hearing and learning from you!!!! Keep going you got this!

  6. Wow! Thanks for your vulnerability! I will be honest and say I too have been lazy when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. . . And it has started to carry on into other aspects of my life. It has to be broken! Love ya girl.

  7. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    It will be broken! Thank you admitting it with me. Laziness is real and it will only hurt us in the end…BUT IT WILL BE BROKEN! AMEN!

  8. You’re an awesome writer. As soon as baby Tyler arrives and I’m allowed to begin losing weight, I will walk with you on your journey as mine is similar. I will definitely need the encouragement post pregnancy!

  9. I am joining you in this journey! My husband and I have been unhappy with how our weight has gradually gotten higher. This week is the beginning of our journey through weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. You are truly an inspiration to me as a woman. I know I am not alone in this journey! Praise God for the work he is doing in and through you! Thank you for all you do!

  10. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    Thank you Cindy! I know exactly how you fee especially being a newly wed and super comfortable…BUT be encouraged and know you can and will succeed in your journey. I am really proud of you. Our home is healthy when we are healthy because we cook and maintain the family in that way. Angel has a beautiful wife and he is a blessed man!

  11. Thank you for being real and open.
    I just had my son six weeks ago today. So now I can start working out. I greatly look forward to dropping the baby weight and getting healthier for myself, and my family. Your blog has been a huge encouragement.
    The blag has its own app bookmark on the first screen on my iPad. 🙂 Keep up what God has called you to do. It is doing more than you know.
    Goal: Read the Word, journal daily.
    Walk two miles with my son strapped to me while pushing my daughter in the stroller. I will start off doing this four times a week. (Had a c-section, don’t want to over do it.)
    Thank you again!

  12. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    Wow Alison…that’s awesome! I hope you were able to keep your goals and walk… I know its hard especially with this icky weather. I am happy I am able to encourage you…Your comments have been an encouragement to me. Just this morning I read and journaled and prayed God would strengthen all those walking on this journey. You are in my prayers and can do it. Proud of you for taking charge of your body right after your babies, its easy to justify not doing it. I will remember that when my time comes! God bless you. Sending hugs your way!

  13. Your are on the right path my Beautiful Friend! I get on FB just to go on your Blog. I love that you have been open with everything you have struggle with. From tieing our shoes to not being able to wear your rings. Your favorite one at that. I so can relate. I can’t and wont stop saying it. I am so PROUD of you and what you have started for yourself as a Child of God and for others! I pray every morning for you. That you will have a good day, feel good, eat good and work out. So when the day is over you can feel like you have accomplish what you set yourself up for that day. God is Good! I will follow you and and your journey to the end. Know that I am one of your biggest supporter! I love you mama!

  14. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    Thank you Carmen! You are the best! I look forward to our work out dates. I appreciate your support…we are in this together sister! XOXOXO

  15. hey Mad we bridesmaided together last summer:-) awesome blog. great name. I read an old book bout his subject recently ‘Fat is a Feminist Issue’. Im not a feminist, so its a misleading title and its dated, but it touches on some very important topics, including the importance of realistic stickable-to goals. we HAVE to be able to LIVE the rest of our lives even while losing or sticking to a weight. I have binged and dieted for years and only going to Africa where food consumption was to some degree out of my hands, saved me. I still have blips (like this year straight after getting married) and I am learning to never say that anything is forever off limits. what I do now with chocolate is give myself roughly 2 weeks a year and in those I can eat as much bas I want, as long as I deny myself it the rest of the year. sounds Ludacris but it works for me. it suits my personality. so impressed to see you clearly get that the weight is not the root issue, its other stuff in our lives that lead to the weight gain. praying for you girl and I am SO with the idea that its not about skinny, its about healthy ppl regardless of shape. i prefer healthy curves and a proper bum to a skinny body myself:-D

  16. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    Niffer! How great it is to hear from you!! Thank you for sharing your journey, I am so glad God has helped you and that you also have learned what works for you. I am definitely not looking to be skinny…I want to be my God given size and healthy above all. Thank you for checking my blog out and being a supporter! Praying for you!

  17. I’m totally in on this ADVENTURE with you!! Awesome in so many ways….and this is going to be beneficial to so many women/ young girls. (Have I told you how proud I am of you? Because I SO am!!) =) Ok so I figured out that you post to your blog on TUESDAYS! Lol…. cause I sure have been checking everyday since your last posting to see if you posted again. LOL (as I schedule “read Mad’s blog” in my google calendar Tuesdays) I def agree with you Mad, The only thing stopping me from doing what needs to be done is ME…No more excuses. I just gotta do it too… My Realistic Goals: Practice Tae Kwon Do moves w/ Angelo AT LEAST Twice a Week. Start my 2 Mile power walks in the Mornings- AGAIN…I got lazy in the winter. Try to Incorporate a fruit and veggie in EACH MEAL- For myself ANNNND my boys and Jose = Preparing meals day before as well. NO MORE POP =( That last one is gonna be tough…..) Side note: I don’t have facebook– Is there a way for you to incorporate your weigh ins on your website blog?? –Jen

  18. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    I LOVE that you are so excited about this. I can hear you as I read your comment. Thank you for mentioning trying to figure out when the blog is. My goal this weekend is to make a timeline and so I can I can stick to days when blogs come out. Thanks for sharing your goals…I hope you were able to keep them, its difficult but not impossible! I am so proud of YOU and the steps you are taking to better your health. We have to do this! Love you so much!

  19. Yesterday we bought a juicer and we plan on juicing healthy drinks everyday. Plus today I started working out @ 3:30am with your bro. Laziness is also my big thing with losing weight and my time with God. It shouldn’t be that way cause I have the prefect job. So I am taking control of both. Thank Mad Dog!

  20. Thank you, Madelynn for being so transparent:). You have inspired me, I realize that there are areas in my life that I need to seriously address and do something about them. Praise God we do know the truth and we will be set FREE! May God continue to give you the strength and desire to continue forward on this journey.

  21. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    Amen! Thank you! I am humbled and am so blessed to have inspired you. Thank you for sharing!

  22. This is awesome Madelynn!! You can do it! Navigated this same journey so can definitely relate.

  23. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    Thanks Ben! You have had a very successful journey…I shall follow suite! Nice to see men on WSWE! REPRESENT!!!

  24. I must say that I am completely moved by your spirit. A few years ago I made a lifestyle change and in about 6 months lost 35 lbs., I was eating better and moving more. For the 1st time in a long time my focus was on me, but not in a selfish sense. I, as I am sure many of us do, especially those with families, pure into others and take care of everything else without even realizing that in order to continue to be able to do that I need to take care of me. That became my motivation and it worked. My husband was my accountability partner and we both felt great. Then an injury prevented me from working out regularly and I felt like I lost control of everything. It took a year but I gained every lb. back and haven’t been able to overcome failure since. It’s my fear of such that prevents me from starting over. I don’t think that people perceive and judge me as much as I perceive and judge myself. Your journey encouraged me to finally start reading, “Made to Crave”, a book by the way that I purchased back in January but never read. As a new woman in Christ my goal is to be more like Him but how can I get closer to Him if in the back of my mind that failure enchains me to weakness. How can God use me if I don’t believe in myself? Admitting I am weak is the start. How true is, the truth shall set you free. Your candidness has inspired me and I thank you for that. I am encouraged to begin a new journey this time with God as my accountability partner, relying on His strength when I am weak. To God be the glory of every accomplishment.

  25. madelynn.reyes@gmail.com

    I am honored that you would share this with me! I praise the Lord you have been inspired and used little ol’ me to be a small part of that. Please be encouraged. I am blessed by your honesty and know that I pray for you women daily as I seek God to help me in my journey. I am praying your months are filled with victory and I am here for you. Be blessed my sister. Love you!

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